Welcome to Institute PUPM learning platform for small and medium-sized industries (SMIs) and enterprises (SMEs), GIG Entrepreneurs and Property Entrepreneurs. The Leading learning platform in Malaysia aims to promote skills, knowledge, and empower GIG entrepreneurs, SMIs/SMEs and Property Entrepreneurs with the necessary Learning resources.
In this modern digital world, it's becoming increasingly common for people to work remotely or from home as long connected digitally.
Institute PUPM digital platform can benefit employees, business owners , and consumers by making Learning more adaptable to the needs of the moment and demand for flexible needs and lifestyles. The GIG mode of part-timers , Freelance and on Assignments basis will help to achieve these objectives.
At Institute PUPM learning platform:
1) We aim to be digital platform to help GIG entrepreneurs in improving and growing working standards in the related GIG economy. A growing segment, which will bring many economic benefits of productivity and employment ; to provide needed opportunities for many in the post Pandemic era.
2) We aim in providing and Creating a digital community platform of diversity where key information, knowledge, skills and some GIG Opportunities can be found.
3) We aim to focus on sharing, collecting market resources that match GIG entrepreneurs to consumers .
Digital platforms for GIG entrepreneurs with customers to provide short-term services or asset-sharing.